To EU Parliament:The “Greek” government, will be written in history, as The “Hellenic” government that turned Alexander the Great who carried the Greek civilization from ancient Egypt until Indian, as Slav, speaking Serbo-Bulgarian.

To EU Parliament

As you know,  the “Greek” government, the marionette of the fascist neo-Nazi occupation,  will be written in  history,  as:   The “Hellenic” government that turned Alexander the Great who  carried the Greek civilization from ancient Egypt until  India, as a Slav, speaking Serbo-Bulgarian. 

After  its Prespa agreement, which apparently was signed, following  “orders”.

In the same crime against the history of mankind and culture,  are also responsible  the other “Greek” politicians, also servants of the occupation and also  marionettes of the fascist neo-Nazi occupation, 

As for you,  gentlemen, honestly are you not  ashamed to watch in silence, this historical and cultural crime ?

I do not think you are so “smart” that you want me to convince you that Alexander the Great was not a Slav Skopian. Personally, if I did, I think I would offend  you.

But let me remind you that even Hitler never did this crime, as caricature Merkel did. 

In this photo of 1940ies , you can see the Skopians trying to “occupy”  the Greek Macedonia, using  Hitler’s photo.

Also, to realize the monstrous ongoing crime, which  as many others, you are watching it  in  silence,

it is worth listening to the first President of the Skopia Gligorof; speaking about   his compatriots Slavs, and   speaking  about   Alexander the Great. 

Kiro Gligorov – June 1992


Finally, contrary to your silence, even Afghans issued  a banknote in 1939 to  honor the Greek Civilization, brought to them by Hellene Alexander the Great. With a Greek  inscription in its  middle:


Attached,   you can view  this bank note.

Please allow me gentlemen to ask you a naive question. 

As representatives of Western Culture, are you not ashamed for all  this? For which you will also remain in history as being in silence,  in the face of the crimes against world civilization,  that Soros is the main inspiration of? 


Euripides Billis

Retired Professor National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)



  • Η “συμφωνία των Πρεσπών”, όπως δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ελλάδα πριν την υπογραφή της από τους δυο ΥΠΕΞ , ήτοι, το από 12 και 13 Ιουνίου 2018, κείμενο στα αγγλικά και σε ανεπίσημη μετάφραση στα ελληνικά αντίστοιχα, της Τελικής Συμφωνίας για την επίλυση των διαφορών οι οποίες περιγράφονται στις αποφάσεις του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών 817 (1993) και 845 (1993), τη λήξη της Ενδιάμεσης Συμφωνίας του 1995 και την εδραίωση Στρατηγικής Εταιρικής Σχέσης μεταξύ των Μερών [ το κείμενο τις 17 Ιουνίου 2018, με τις υπόγραφες Κοτζιά, Ντιμιτρόφ και Νίμιτς δεν δόθηκε στη δημοσιότητα και έτσι δεν ξέρουμε καν εάν υπάρχει ταύτιση των κείμενων ]
  • 27/06/2018 και 29/06/2018, 2 παρόμοιες μηνύσεις, του Παναγιώτη Σταμάτη του Δημητρίου, Πλωτάρχη του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού ε.α και της Κωσταντινιάς Ντέμου του Δημητρίου, πτυχιούχου Σ.Α.Ν – Σχολή Αξιωματικών Νοσηλευτικής, κατά Νίκου Κοτζιά για εσχάτη προδοσία, απιστία κατά την υπηρεσία, παράβαση καθήκοντος, επιβουλή της ακεραιότητας της χώρας και ηθική αυτουργία του πρωθυπουργού Α. Τσίπρα στα αδικήματα αυτά (ΠΚ 14, 26, 27, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 134, 138, 256, 259)
  • 28/06/2018 Η πρώτη αίτηση ακύρωσης της συμφωνίας των Πρεσπών και η σχετική αίτηση αναστολής της εκτέλεσηής της Η πρώτη ακυρωτική αίτηση κατατέθηκε από 14 Παμμακεδονικές Ενώσεις που ισχυρίζονται ότι  η μεταμφίεση διεθνούς συνθήκης, και μάλιστα του άρθρου 27 του Συντάγματος σε κυβερνητική πράξη, παραβιάζει κατάφωρα το Σύνταγμα, οδηγεί σε διάλυση την Ελλάδα, με γρήγορα βήματα. Αναλυτικότερα οι προσφεύγοντες επικαλούνται ως λόγους ακυρότητας α) τη παραβίαση του άρθρου 27 του Συντάγματος, σύμφωνα με το οποίο, πριν την υπογραφή της συμφωνίας, απαιτείται προηγούμενη ψήφισή του από την Βουλή, με αυξημένη μάλιστα πλειοψηφία, επειδή περιλαμβάνει αλλαγή γεωγραφικών όρων (της περιοχής της Μακεδονίας εν προκειμένω), οι οποίοι ανάγονται σε αρχαίους χρόνους (αρχικά), επειδή τροποποιεί προηγούμενες συνθήκες (Ελληνοσερβικό σύμφωνο και συνθήκη Βουκουρεστίου 1913), με βάση τις οποίες καθορίσθηκαν τα σημερινά σύνορα της Ελλάδας, προκαλώντας σύγχυση αναφορικά με τα πραγματικά σημερινά σύνορα, διότι στις συνθήκες αυτές, γεωγραφικός χώρος (Διοικητική Περιφέρεια) Μακεδονία υπήρχε μόνον ένας και αυτός ήταν μόνον στην Ελληνική επικράτεια, επειδή στην πραγματικότητα νομιμοποιεί τις εδαφικές βλέψεις των γειτόνων μας, διά της παραχάραξης της ιστορίας και της επιγενόμενης σύγχυσης, που αποτελούν συνέχεια και συνέπεια της παραχώρησης του ονόματος της Μακεδονίας, επειδή δημιουργεί τις προϋποθέσεις για την αναθεώρηση των συνόρων της Ελλάδας. β) επειδή η συμφωνία δεν έγινε αντικείμενο επεξεργασίας από τους υπηρεσιακούς φορείς του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών ως όφειλε. γ) τη παραβίαση της αρχής της λαϊκής κυριαρχίας, του άρθρου 1 παρ. 3 Σ, επειδή υπογράφηκε παρά την αντίθεση σύσσωμου του ελληνικού λαού στην οποιαδήποτε παραχώρηση ονόματος, χωρίς διεξαγωγή δημοψηφίσματος με ταυτόχρονη παραβίαση της αρχής της δεδηλωμένης για το θέμα της παραχώρησης του ονόματος της Μακεδονίας. δ) Διότι αντιτίθεται στην έννοια του ΈΘΝΟΥΣ και προκαλεί σε αυτό ανεπανόρθωτη βλάβη. Του έθνους των Ελλήνων του οποίου εμείς οι Μακεδόνες είμαστε αναπόσπαστο μέρος. Του έθνους, υπέρ του οποίου οφείλει να είναι η συμφωνία (ως εκδήλωση άσκησης της εξουσίας του υπουργού εξωτερικών της Ελλάδος, εξουσίας που πηγάζει από τον λαό, και υπάρχει υπέρ αυτού και του έθνους), σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 1 παρ. 3 Σ. ε) Προσβάλλει την προσωπικότητά μας, ως Μακεδόνων, επειδή μας αφαιρεί το δικαίωμα να ονομαζόμαστε Μακεδόνες (αναγκαζόμενοι να επεξηγούμε τις υποσημειώσεις της συμφωνίας του υπουργού εξωτερικών, ότι εμείς είμαστε οι αρχαίοι και οι άλλοι οι εκ σλάβων προερχόμενοι! που μιλούν την μακεδονική την σλαβική, ενώ εμείς την μακεδονική την αρχαία, δηλαδή την ελληνική! Δηλαδή Γελοιότητες!).
  • ΣΤΕ, Επιτροπή Αναστολών: Απόφαση 199/2018 (απορρίπτει αίτημα αναστολής της συμφωνίας των Πρεσπών) 
  • 03/09/2018 Μήνυση κατά Tσίπρα-Κοτζιά για «Προδοσία της Χώρας»(ΠΚ138), Εθνική Αναξιότητα» (Α.Ν.533/1945), Κατάχρηση Πληρεξ/τας(ΠΚ151), Πλαστογραφία Εγγράφου (ΠΚ 216) 
  • Ψήφισμα πολιτών : Απαιτούμε τη καταψήφιση του Προσυμφώνου των Πρεσπών από την Ελληνική Βουλή

10 comments on “To EU Parliament:The “Greek” government, will be written in history, as The “Hellenic” government that turned Alexander the Great who carried the Greek civilization from ancient Egypt until Indian, as Slav, speaking Serbo-Bulgarian.

  1. “Αν δεν μπορείς να διαιρέσεις μια χώρα τότε σκαρφίζεσαι μια ανύπαρκτη και μετά ζητάς τα εδάφη της υπαρκτής!ΑφρικάνικαΚόλπα έ Αλέκο;”

  2. Ζάεφ: Είμαστε «Μακεδόνες» και θα είμαστε για πάντα «Μακεδόνες»

    27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018, 19:25

    Από το διάγγελμα δεν έλειψαν και οι γνωστές προκλητικές αναφορές, καθώς και τα έντονα πολιτικά παιχνίδια, τα οποία έχει επιστρατεύσει, σε μια προσπάθεια τόσο για να ανέβουν τα ποσοστά του «ναι», όσο και να πείσει τους πολίτες να μην απέχουν

    Τις τελευταίες του προσπάθειες ώστε να πείσει τους πολίτες να προσέλθουν στις κάλπες για το δημοψήφισμα της Κυριακής κάνει ο πρωθυπουργός της ΠΓΔΜ, Ζόραν Ζάεφ, λίγες ώρες πριν τη λήξη της προεκλογικής εκστρατείας στη γειτονική στα Σκόπια.

    Ο πρωθυπουργός της γείτονος μέσω τηλεοπτικού διαγγέλματος, κάλεσε τους πολίτες της χώρας, αφενός να προσέλθουν μαζικά την Κυριακή στις κάλπες που θα στηθούν για το δημοψήφισμα και αφετέρου, να ψηφίσουν υπέρ της συμφωνίας για την επίλυση του ζητήματος της ονομασίας.

    Από το διάγγελμα δεν έλειψαν και οι γνωστές προκλητικές αναφορές, καθώς και τα έντονα πολιτικά παιχνίδια, τα οποία έχει επιστρατεύσει, σε μια προσπάθεια τόσο για να ανέβουν τα ποσοστά του «ναι», όσο και να πείσει τους πολίτες να μην απέχουν.

    Σε μια ακόμα προκλητική δήλωση, ο Ζάεφ τόνισε πως: «ο ύμνος, η σημαία παραμένουν οι ίδιοι και προστατεύονται. Είμαστε «Μακεδόνες» και θα είμαστε για πάντα «Μακεδόνες»».

    Το διάγγελμα έγινε με φόντο το μνημείο της εξέγερσης του Ίλιντεν, μια επιλογή που μόνο τυχαία δεν ήταν, αφού σύμφωνα με τον ο κ. Ζάεφ «το μνημείο αυτό μας υπενθυμίζει ότι ο λαός της «Μακεδονίας» έκανε πάντα τη σωστή επιλογή: το 1903 κατά την εξέγερση του Ιλίντεν. Το 1941 όταν ακολούθησε την προοδευτική Ευρώπη ενάντια στον φασισμό, κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα για εθνική απελευθέρωση».

    Και συνέχισε ο πρωθυπουργός των Σκοπίων: «στις 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 1991, ψηφίζοντας στο δημοψήφισμα αποφασίσαμε μια ελεύθερη, ανεξάρτητη και κυρίαρχη «Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας», ωστόσο, μέχρι τώρα, δεν έχουν υλοποιηθεί όλες οι φιλοδοξίες μας, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ονείρου μας για την Ευρωπαϊκή «Μακεδονία», κράτος-μέλος του ΝΑΤΟ».

    «Αλλά σήμερα, είμαστε κοντά στην εκπλήρωση αυτού του ονείρου, αυτής της φιλοδοξίας. Στις 30 Σεπτεμβρίου, ο καθένας από εμάς θα πρέπει να βάλει ένα τούβλο στην οικοδόμηση ενός καλύτερου «μακεδονικού» μέλλοντος. Να γίνουμε μέλος της ισχυρότερης συμμαχίας – του ΝΑΤΟ και πλήρες μέλος της ισχυρότερης οικονομικής κοινότητας στον κόσμο – της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης», πρόσθεσε.

    Από την ομιλία του δεν παρέλειψε να κάνει λόγο για πολλοστή φορά για «μακεδονική γλώσσα» και «μακεδονική ταυτότητα». «Η περήφανη χώρα της «Μακεδονίας» εξασφάλισε την πλήρη αναγνώριση της «μακεδονικής» εθνότητας, της γλώσσας, της κληρονομιάς μας. Η «μακεδονική» γλώσσα προστατεύεται. Η «μακεδονική» ταυτότητα προστατεύεται. Ο ύμνος, η σημαία παραμένουν οι ίδιοι και προστατεύονται. Είμαστε «Μακεδόνες» και θα είμαστε για πάντα «Μακεδόνες»», είπε χαρακτηριστικά.

    Διαβάστε επίσης:

    Ζάεφ: Αιώνια αναγνώριση της ταυτότητας και της γλώσσας για «Μακεδονία»



    ΟΧΙ στην “Μακεδονική Εθνότητα”. Είναι μίγμα Σλαύων, Βουλγάρων, Αλβανών, Σέρβων, Γύφτων και Ελλήνων εκσλαβισθέντων
    ΟΧΙ στήν “Μακεδονική Γλώσσα”. Είναι Σλαβικά με κυριλική γραφή
    ΟΧΙ στό όνομα “Μακεδονία” Η έδρα της Αρχαίας Μακεδονίας ήταν στον Ελλαδικό χώρο (Πέλλα + Αιγές)
    ΟΧΙ στη διαστρέβλωση της Ιστορίαςκαι της Αρχαιολογίας στό όνομα των Αμερικανικών και Γερμανικών συμφερόντων

  4. London, 20th June 2018

    Mr Nikolaos Kotzias, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Mr Nikolaos Terrence Quick, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
    His Excellency Mr Dimitris Caramitsos-Tziras, Ambassador to the UK
    Press Office of the Greek Embassy in London
    Greek Press
    Members of the Macedonian Society of Great Britain


    The Macedonian Society of Great Britain is strongly opposed to the proposed agreement between Greece and the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” regarding the resolution of the name dispute between the two countries.

    The recognition of the “Macedonian” nationality and language is an insult to the people of the historic region of Macedonia, in northern Greece, who carry the Macedonian history and culture for more than 3000 years. The people who claim the “Macedonian” national identity are of Slavic origin. They descended to the region more than 1000 years after the peak of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia and have no right to claim any part of its heritage.

    The language and nationality claims have always been at the core of the dispute. It can be argued that the language and nationality are more important than the name of the country itself. They legitimise the falsification of the Macedonian history and the creation of an artificial nation which only exists to serve geopolitical and economic interests. In this context the proposed agreement is totally unacceptable – it simply surrenders a big part of the Greek heritage. The consequences of this agreement may be dire for the Greek nation.

    Most importantly, this agreement is not a safeguard for the stability of the region. On the contrary the co-existence of two separate entities with a Macedonian identity leaves the door open to new tensions and disputes in the future.

    There are some concessions made for the first time by the other side, such as the use of the new name “erga omnes”, acknowledging the Greek heritage of Macedonia and promising to remove ancient Greek symbols from their state. However, we consider them as of lesser significance and only a minor step towards an acceptable agreement.

    The Macedonian Society of Great Britain, founded in London in 1989, is working hard for 29 years to educate the British public about the true, Hellenic history of Macedonia. The Society is organising lectures, presentations and panel discussions with well-known historians, academics, journalists and politicians, all open to the general public. These events keep alive in the public consciousness the fact that although the Macedonian name has been misappropriated by a foreign people, our identity cannot be.

    We urge the Greek people to show their objection to this agreement by any lawful means; by taking part in the protests that are being organised by Macedonian Associations in Greece and abroad, by contacting their local MPs and by promoting the true history of Macedonia on social media.

    The Executive Board of the Macedonian Society of Great Britain

  5. δυστυχώς Πάνο διασυρθήκαμε όχι απλά διεθνώς αλλά διαγαλαξιακώς… ________________________________ Από: JusticeForGreece Στάλθηκε: Παρασκευή, 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018 12:18 μμ Προς: Θέμα: [New post] To EU Parliament:The “Greek” government, will be written in history, as The “Hellenic” government that turned Alexander the Great who carried the Greek civilization from ancient Egypt until Indian, as Slav, speaking Serbo-Bulgarian.

    justiceforgreece posted: ” To EU Parliament As you know, the “Greek” government, the marionette of the fascist neo-Nazi occupation, will be written in history, as: The “Hellenic” government that turned Alexander the Great who carried the Greek civilization from ancient Eg”

  6. Pingback: Να μην έχουν κι οι Σκοπιανοί έναν Τσίπρα να μετατρέψει το ΝΑΙ σε ΟΧΙ… » Γεώργιος Ευαγγελάτος

  7. Pingback: Εδώ έγραψαν στα παλαιά των υποδήματα τον ελληνικό λαό, την Ένωση Μακεδόνων Μεγάλης Βρετανίας θα σεβαστούν; » Γεώργιος Ευαγγελάτος

  8. LOMA Calls for an End to Greece’s Genocide of Macedonians (!!!!)
    January 20, 2018

    LOMA urges the United Nations, the European Union and all freedom-loving peoples of the world to denounce the incredibly dangerous and unfounded comments by Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, who stated that “a Macedonian nation never existed in ancient times” and thus that “it is absurd for some to ask for Macedonia’s exclusivity in terms of ethnic identification.” In other words: Tsipras insists an ethnic Macedonian identity does not exist. These reckless words echo the equally threatening statements by former Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Karamanlis, who stated that “there is no Macedonian nation.” These comments reflect Greece’s ultimate desire to finalize its prolonged genocide of the Macedonians.

    Matthew Nimetz, the UN diplomat leading the negotiations to change Macedonia’s name, insists that he has found a solution that protects the Macedonian identity. But how can any solution to the dispute protect the Macedonian identity when the basis of Greece’s demands resides in its denial of the ethnic Macedonian identity? The rhetoric by the Greek Government has reached grave and unacceptable levels. The UN and EU are allowing the Greek Government to eliminate the Macedonian ethnicity, identity and culture. In other words, Greece is committing genocide against the Macedonians while Europe nods its head in approval.

    The UN, under the Genocide Convention established in 1948, defines genocide as a crime that requires two elements to be met. First, there is a mental element described as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. Second, there must be a physical element “causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group”. Per the United Nations, the intent element is the most difficult to determine. However, the Greek government, with the support of a large majority of the Greek people, have met and surpassed both elements.

    Greek genocide against the Macedonians began in the late 19th century when Greece realized that a separate and distinct Macedonian identity interfered with Greece’s plans to capture large swaths of Macedonian territory. While Macedonia was under the Ottoman rule, the Greek government created and supported armed Greek bands that invaded Macedonia with the purpose of either destroying villages that exhibited a Macedonian or non-Greek identity, or converting a village’s entire population into Greeks by threat and force. Thousands of Macedonians died at the hands of these Greek bands, and many more Macedonians, fearing their lives, disavowed their Macedonian identity for Greek mercy.

    During the Balkan Wars and World War I, this Greek assault on Macedonian identity continued and Greece’s main territorial ambitions were realized: half of Macedonia fell under Greek domination. However, Greece had a problem: a majority of this new province’s population consisted of Macedonians and Turks. So, Greece began expelling them and making life so difficult for others that they voluntarily agreed to leave. Population exchanges occurred between Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece until ethnic Greeks finally settled Macedonia to the point where they became the majority. However, hundreds of thousands of Macedonians still lived in northern Greece during the 1920s and 1930s, and the Greek government even briefly recognized the Macedonians as a minority. But only briefly.

    By the late 1930s and 1940s, Greek intolerance accelerated; Macedonians were beaten, tortured and murdered for speaking Macedonian or expressing their Macedonian identity. The Macedonians then formed the major resistance against the fascist Greek government during the Greek Civil War in the late 1940s to fight for their basic human rights. However, the Macedonians failed due to British and American support of the Greeks. As a result, thousands of Macedonians lost their lives and tens of thousands were forced out of Greece.

    The second half of the 20th century saw a consistent Greek assault against the Macedonian identity. Laws and policies were established forbidding public usage of the Macedonian language; Macedonian women were resettled in southern parts of Greece to intermix with ethnic Greeks; Greek army officials were encouraged to marry ethnic Macedonians; “enlightenment seminars” were founded to educate Macedonians on why it was wrong to use the Macedonian language or to hold a Macedonian identity; and Macedonian refugees were not allowed to reclaim their land unless they denounced their Macedonian identity and declared that they were Greek. In short, Greece legalized the attempt to eliminate the Macedonian identity.

    More recently, in the 1990s, several human rights groups and international courts determined that Greece had violated Macedonians’ basic rights within Greece by preventing them to form cultural and political associations. Macedonians were beaten and fined for publicly stating that they felt Macedonian; and Macedonians today are continually intimidated by Greek officials and citizens for expressing their Macedonian culture and identity, either by the destruction of their property or through threats of physical harm. The has taken a mental and physical toll not just on individuals, but on an entire population.

    The Republic of Macedonia has also suffered from Greece’s abhorrence and fury. Greece employed a chokehold on Macedonia and the Macedonians by preventing Macedonia from entering the UN until Macedonia accepted the provisional name of the ‘former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’. Greece then placed an embargo on Macedonia until it changed its constitution and flag, which not only weakened the Macedonian economy and democracy, but chipped away at the Macedonians’ identity. Finally, Greece used its veto power to prevent Macedonia from joining NATO and has threatened the same for its quest to join the EU. Greece will continue using its veto power until Macedonia completely changes its name and identity, and Greek officials have repeatedly stated this to be their ultimate goal.

    Greece has not only openly denied that a Macedonian identity exists, but it has legalized and normalized the negation and extermination of the ethnic Macedonian identity and culture. Another way of phrasing this is identicide, which Sarah Meharg defines as “the destruction of any or all of the particular qualities that make up…the places which [a people] have constructed over time and in which they habitually live, and their customary and routinised social practices,” and which Jason Miko defines as “the systematic attempt by one people or nation to destroy or eradicate the identity of another nation or people.” Undoubtedly, Greece has used its power to further its agenda of identicide.

    But identicide is only one of many schemes exercised by Greece in its lengthy and overarching genocide agenda against the Macedonians. This genocide by Greece has not been sudden: it has been a steady onslaught spanning several decades and affecting millions of people. Thousands have been killed, thousands more have been expelled; tens of thousands have been converted, and tens of thousands more have been silenced; and hundreds of thousands have suffered ether physical or mental harm.

    The crime is clear: Greece does not recognize that an ethnic Macedonian identity exists and has sought to eliminate this identity from the consciousness of those who hold it. Greece has done this by committing heinous physical crimes, denying political and cultural freedoms through its courts, ignoring the rights of minorities, and by forcing the Macedonian people and country, through blockades and vetoes, to change its name and identity. The world, for some inexplicable reason, still views this as a political dispute. But since when has the elimination of a people and their identity been simply a matter of politics? Greece is wrong, and the world is wrong: the Macedonian ethnic identity must be protected, and Greece must be held accountable for its genocidal actions against Macedonia and the Macedonians.

    We call on Greece to abstain from its maniacal and genocidal tendencies; we call on the international community to urgently recognize and condemn this tyrannical Greek behavior; and we call on the Macedonian government to immediately withdraw from the name negotiations and to initiate proceedings in the International Court of Justice against the Greek government under charges of genocide. Even if Macedonia’s pleas are ignored and dismissed, we must at least attempt to defend our rights and identity. No one else will.’s-Genocide-of-Macedonians

  9. Greece accused of ‘genocide’ of Macedonian people (!!!!)

    Macedonian NGOs slam Athens, international organizations over decades-old name dispute


    By Bayram Altug


    Macedonian non-governmental organizations are protesting ongoing talks on the name of their country, accusing Greece of committing “human rights violations as well as crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide” against its Macedonian minority since 1913.

    In a joint statement Tuesday to Anadolu Agency, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International, the United Macedonian Diaspora, the World Macedonian Congress and the Macedonian Global Coordinative Network slammed Greece and global organizations over the decades-old dispute between Athens and Skopje over the former Yugoslav republic’s name.

    The statement — issued by their joint branch office in Geneva — said the Macedonian people can no longer bear the intolerable burden of injustice inflicted upon them by Greece, the United Nations, the European Union and NATO through the ongoing “talks” on the name of their country, which began in 1993.

    “What started out as a discussion to “settle” a supposed difference has become 25 years later an attempt to commit a genocide on the Macedonian people – to erase them, their country, their language and their history from the books and maps of the world,” they said.

    The NGOs said Macedonians are shockingly being forced by the European Union and NATO to negotiate their name, their ethnic and national identity, their language and their history as a pre-condition for membership in these international and regional organizations.

    “This is the first time in the history of mankind that such internationally orchestrated pressure is being exerted on an entire people to self-destruct — pressure inflicted by the nations and organizations that were supposed to be the gatekeepers of human rights in the 21st century,” the statement said.


    The NGOs said the name issue is the Greek government’s invention and is merely the continuation and internationalization of its century-old domestic policy of denial of the ethnic identity of its Macedonian minority.

    They called for the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry to look into the human rights violations as well as crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide committed against the Macedonian minority in Greece since 1913.

    “The Greek government must deal with its past and once and for all publicly recognize and apologize for the crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide it committed upon the Macedonian minority in Greece since 1913,” the statement added.

    The debate about Macedonia’s name has been ongoing for more than 25 years. Athens does not want its neighbor to have the name Macedonia because of the existence of a region in Greece with the same name.

    It currently recognizes Macedonia as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the name Macedonia used to enter the UN in 1993.

    The dispute has been one of the main obstacles for Macedonia’s ambitions to join NATO and the EU due to the veto right of Greece.

    Despite the dispute between Athens and Skopje, many countries, including Turkey, recognize Macedonia with its present name.

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