Μυρίστηκαν την λεία τους και σπεύδουν επί τόπου

Κοράκια πολιτικοί και δημοσιογράφοι, Τζορτζ Σόρος, Τζον Πόλσον, Ντάνιελ Λομπ του Third Point, Τζέιμς Ντίναν του York Capital και το επενδυτικό fund του Αμπού Ντάμπι, αγοράζουν τα φιλέτα και ότι άλλο μπορούν. Δείτε δυο πρόσφατα δημοσιεύματα που ελπίζω ότι θα σας κάνουν να καταλάβετε επιτέλους γιατί εξοντώνουν το λαό, γιατί ζητούν φόρους, τέλη και εισφορές που ξεπερνούν το εισόδημα κλπ. Continue reading


Petition online with GoPetition

” The European Commission and the Eurostat have signed the criminal augmentation of Greece’s public debt and deficit of the year 2009 in order to get the money the German and French Banks needed so that the euro could be saved. They got this way hundreds of billions of euros from the European citizens and the IMF and they loaded it, together with profits of tens, probably hundreds, of billions of euros on Greece’s citizens to pay for 10 generations from now. They have thus violated human rights, but even their own Regulations, the ESA95 included. But, as we say in Greece, God loves the thief, but also loves the landlord. And, “the liar and the thief are only happy the first day”. Continue reading

MERKEL’S MURKY PAST: More evidence of her Youth Movement/Stasi past in the DDR

Power-mad bird (Merkel) sticking close to top guy (Stasi agent Osten)

The picture above was taken in 1986. It depicts an outing to the Baltic Island of Rugen by members of the DDR version of The Hitler Youth: the FDJ – or in full,DDR-Jugendverbandes. The top Alpha-male at this gathering was Hans-Jörg Osten. And you’ll never guess who’s perched right next to him. Just as, after the collapse of the USSR, a mere ten years later, little Geli Merkel was perched equally close to the ample buttocks of Chancellor Helmut Kohl….whom she later shafted to take over the CDU leadership. Continue reading