Το ηκούσαμε και αυτό στο Ελλαδοβαλκανιστάν του 2013: Η μειοψηφία κερδίζει

Ας τα δούμε όμως τα πράγματα από την αρχή. Ο Σαμαράς υπεσχέθη προεκλογικώς ότι θα καταργήσει τον νόμο Ραγκούση, βάσει του οποίου μπορούσε ο κάθε αλλοδαπός που εισήλθε παρανόμως στην χώρα ή γεννήθηκε από γονείς παρανόμως εν Ελλάδι εισελθέντες, να αποκτήσει Ελληνική ιθαγένεια.

Καταρχήν Ελληνική ιθαγένεια ουδείς μπορεί να αποκτήσει διότι η ιθαγένεια δεν αφορά τον τόκον αλλά τογένος.

Κάποτε πρέπει να καταλάβουμε ότι άλλο πράγμα είναι ο τόκος και άλλο η γένεσις. Continue reading

Appeal to the English speaking Greek population for testimonies

Don’t miss the comment on the end of the article

Sarah Luzia Hassel -Reusing in front of the International Criminal Court (ICC)

(For the german version please scroll down) 

Dear ladies and gentlmen,

at the 21.11.2012, I have filed at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague a charge against unknown for the suspicion of a crime against humanity because of intentious and, at the same time, systematic and broad-scale damage to the health of the Greek population (art.7 par. 1 lit. k Roman Statute).

Everyone has the human right to the, for the respective person, highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (art. 12 UN Social Pact). In addition to that, the human right to health is protected for women by art. 12 of the UN women’s rights convention (CEDAW) and for children by art. 24 UN childrens rights convention (CRC). Furthermore, children have to be protected, according to art. 19 CRC, against damages. As a result, the human right to health needs to be less affected by austerity measures than any other social human right. Continue reading

Daily Mail: Middle class parents in Greece are dumping their children in orphanages so they won’t starve


The financial meltdown in Greece has caused pain and suffering throughout the country. But in a nation where the idea of family is central to everyday life, its youngest citizens are bearing some of the heaviest burdens of the crisis.

Scores of children have been put in orphanages and care homes for economic reasons; one charity said 80 of the 100 children in its residential centres were there because their families can no longer provide for them. Continue reading