ΑΝΤΙ300: Πράκτορας της Ε.Υ.Π καταγγέλλει την διαχρονική διαφθορά των κυβερνήσεων μας


Γράφει ο ΑΝΤΙ300

Μυστικός Πράκτορας της Ε.Υ.Π ΚΑΤΑΓΓΕΛΛΕΙ το διαχρονικά βρώμικο Κρατικό Σύστημα που εκμεταλλεύεται τους πάντες και τα πάντα μαζί και τις πληροφορίες για το “γνωστό – άγνωστο” ιδιοτελές όφελος από την διαχείριση τους με a ’ la carte ερμηνεία των Νόμων και σεβασμό των θεσμών της χώρας με πρώτο και καλύτερο τον θεσμό της Δικαιοσύνης.

Εύλογα ο Μυστικός Πράκτορας της ΕΥΠ από την σιχαμάρα που του προκάλεσαν οι ιθύνοντες των Κυβερνήσεων και διοικητών της ΕΥΠ που γνώρισε, την ψευτιά, απιστία, ατιμία και προδοσία που αντιμετώπισε κατά την διάρκεια της απρόσκοπτης δράσης του και υπηρεσίες που παρείχε στην ΕΥΠ με αυταπάρνηση, σήμερα αναρωτιέται – πριν να τους ξεσκεπάσει όλους για να απολογηθεί ο καθένας τους για όσα ευθύνεται – γιατί να εμπιστευτεί ψεύτες και άτιμους, σεβαστεί τους θεσμούς με την σειρά του; 

Όταν όλοι αυτί αποδείχθηκαν περίτρανα άτιμοι, ψεύτες και επικίνδυνοι από τις ίδιες τους τις μεθοδεύσεις, αποφάσεις των δράσεων και τις πράξεις τους;

Από τις περιγραφικές εκμυστηρεύσεις και τα στοιχεία εις χείρας και τα οποία θα παρουσιάζουμε ανελλιπώς καθημερινά, εμφανίζονται ως άμεσα εμπλεκόμενοι οι ιθύνοντες των Κυβερνήσεων ΝΕΑΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ – ΠΑΣΟΚ και ΣΥΡΙΖΑ – ΑΝΕΛ.
Μάλιστα ο Μυστικός Πράκτορας της ΕΥΠ, για να έχει την συνείδηση του καθαρή, αφού πρώτα εγγράφως απεκάλεσε τον ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΌ Αλέξη Τσίπρα εμμέσως πλην σαφώς ΠΡΟΔΟΤΗ, παραιτήθηκε με την ευχή να είναι ο τελευταίος Έλληνας που προδίδουν

Μέρος 1ο: Η ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ προς τον τ. Πρωθυπουργό Αλέξη Τσίπρα 



Μερος 4ο: ΠΡΟΪΟΝ ΥΠΟΚΛΟΠΗΣ όλες οι πληροφορίες και τα έγγραφα για το πώς και που βρέθηκαν τα 750.000.000 ΕΥΡΩ και δήθεν… «πληρώθηκε» το Διεθνές Νομισματικό Ταμείο τον Μάιο του 2015.



1. Η ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ προς τον τ. Πρωθυπουργό Αλέξη Τσίπρα Published by ANTI300 on Aug 31, 2015




3. ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ «ΠΑΠΑΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ» Published by ANTI300 on Sep 01, 2015




5. «ΔΥΣΤΥΧΩΣ» η Πρόταση Δεν «Προέβλεπε» ΜΙΖΕΣ. Ε.Υ.Π. Μέρος 5ον Published by ANTI300 on Sep 03, 2015

16 comments on “ΑΝΤΙ300: Πράκτορας της Ε.Υ.Π καταγγέλλει την διαχρονική διαφθορά των κυβερνήσεων μας

  1. Ε.Υ.Π. Μέρος 6ον – Γερμανική Σκευωρία Σε Βάρος Της Χώρας Μας, ΑΠΟΡΡΗΤΑ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ Υποκλοπής Παρακολουθήσεις Μυστικών Υπηρεσιών Χωρών Της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

    Published by: ANTI300 on Sep 05, 2015

  2. ΟΜΗΡΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΟΣ… Ποιοι και γιατί κυνηγάνε ανηλεώς τον Κώστα Αγγελάκη!!! ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΟ από τα ΑΤΤΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ!!!

    Ο Κώστας Αγγελάκης είναι από τους βασικούς μάρτυρες κατηγορίας στην υπόθεση «ΠΥΘΙΑ» όπου ανάμεσα στους κατηγορούμενους είναι το δεξί χέρι του ΓΑΠ Μιχ. Καρχιμάκης και συνδικαλιστές (τότε πασόκοι σήμερα συριζαίοι) της ΕΥΠ…

    Ο Κώστας Αγγελάκης ήταν αυτός που σταμάτησε τη διαρροή απορρήτων εγγράφων από την υπηρεσία μέσω του Καρχιμάκη προς τον τότε πρόεδρο του ΠΑΣΟΚ, που τότε ήταν στην Αξιωματική Αντιπολίτευση…

    Ο Κώστας Αγγελάκης δεν ενέδωσε στις πιέσεις των τότε υπευθύνων του ΠΑΣΟΚ να τους δώσει στοιχεία της υπηρεσίας του για τις γνωστές υποθέσεις των «Πακιστανών» και των «Υποκλοπών»…

    Ο Κώστας Αγγελάκης ήταν που ως πρόεδρος του συνδικαλιστικού οργάνου της ΕΥΠ έστειλε στον Εισαγγελέα στοιχεία για το περιβόητο C4i ενοχλώντας έτσι πάρα πολλούς…

    Τέλος, για να μην αναφέρουμε τώρα, και για οικονομία χρόνου, όλα όσα μάθαμε από την ακροαματική διαδικασία ο Κώστας Αγγελάκης ήταν από αυτούς που αρνήθηκαν να συνδράμουν την διοίκηση Χρυσοχοίδη – Μπίκα – Παπαγεωργίου στις παράνομες, όπως μετά από χρόνια απεφάνθη και η Δικαιοσύνη, αποφάσεις της για το σύστημα GIS «ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΩΝ ΔΙΑΣΥΝΟΡΙΑΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΜΕΤΑΚΙΝΗΣΗ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΓΑΘΩΝ» που προμηθεύτηκε η ΕΥΠ το 2009, αυτό με το Ρώσικο λογισμικό.

    Την εξήγηση βέβαια σε όλα αυτά τα ανεξήγητα που συνέβησαν τότε με την κατάληψη της εξουσίας από τον ΓΑΠ & ΣΙΑ, τη μάθαμε αρκετά μετά (το 2014) όταν ο στενός συνεργάτης του Γ. Α. Παπανδρέου, κατηγορούμενος σήμερα και αυτός, Άλεξ Ρόντος, κατέθεσε στον κ. Ανακριτή για την υπόθεση «Πυθία».



  3. Προβαίνει πάλι σε καταγγελίες
    εις βάρος δημοσίων προσώπων

    Σε νέες εξαιρετικά σοβαρές καταγγελίες εις βάρος δημοσίων λειτουργών αλλά και εκπροσώπων του Ελληνικού Κοινοβουλίου, προβαίνει στο τελευταίο διάστημα, με αναρτήσεις στο διαδίκτυο, που λαμβάνουν την μορφή χιονοστοιβάδας, ο πρώην πρόεδρος και διευθύνων σύμβουλος της εταιρείας “Αιολικό Πάρκο ΑΕ” κ. Μ. Χατζησάββας.

    Οι αναρτήσεις στο δίκτυο scribd γίνονται από άτομο που υπογράφει ως «ΑΝΤΙ300» και αφορούν, όπως ισχυρίζεται ο συντάκτης, απόρρητα και εμπιστευτικά έγγραφα, τμήματα των οποίων δημοσιοποιούνται, για θέματα της εθνικής οικονομίας και των συμφωνιών της χώρας με τους εταίρους στο πλαίσιο της διευθέτησης του δημόσιου χρέους ως και σε θέματα αντιμετώπισης της λαθρομετανάστευσης.
    Η πραγματική έκπληξη, μιας και η γνησιότητα των εγγράφων που δημοσιοποιούνται είναι εξαιρετικά δύσκολο να ελεγχθεί, ήλθε όμως χθες με νέα ανάρτηση του «ΑΝΤΙ300», σύμφωνα με την οποία το συγκεκριμένο ψευδώνυμο ανήκει στον ίδιο τον κ. Χατζησάββα, ο οποίος συστήνεται ως μυστικός πράκτορας της Εθνικής Υπηρεσίας Πληροφοριών, με διεθνή μάλιστα δράση!!

    Ο «ΑΝΤΙ300», που αρθρογραφούσε σε διάφορα blogs και ενημερωτικά site στο παρελθόν, με την νέα του ανάρτηση ως «Μανώλης Χατζησάββας», υποστηρίζει ότι από τη δράση του ως μυστικός πράκτορας συγκέντρωσε πλήθος πληροφοριών, που ωφέλησε ποικιλοτρόπως την χώρα, ενώ καταγγέλλει διαφθορά κυβερνήσεων και προδοσία τους!

    Στην σχετική ανάρτηση υπάρχουν μάλιστα και φωτογραφίες του αλλά και αντίγραφα από επιστολές ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου με την ένδειξη «Ακρως Εμπιστευτικό».
    Μια εξ’ αυτών, η γνησιότητα της οποίας επίσης είναι εξαιρετικά δύσκολο να ελεγχθεί, φέρεται να αφορά συνάντησή του στο Tελ Αβίβ, με Υπουργό της κυβέρνησης Τσίπρα, άλλες εμπεριέχουν επιστολές με άγνωστο περιεχόμενο με κορυφαίο Υπουργό, ενώ υπάρχει και μια προσωπική του επιστολή προς τον πρώην πρωθυπουργό.
    Ο «ΑΝΤΙ300» αναφέρεται στις επιστολές του σε θέματα Εθνικής Ασφαλείας, που αφορούν τη διαχείριση της Schengen Visa από Ελληνικά Προξενεία ως και σε κυκλώματα διακίνησης λαθρομεταναστών.
    Υποστηρίζει επιπλέον ότι υφίσταται κίνδυνος για τη σωματική του ακεραιότητα, ενώ με το τελευταίο email του στέλνει και χαιρετισμούς στην οικογένεια και τους γονείς του.




    Καταγγελία για Ξέπλυμα Μαύρου Χρήματος – σύσταση Δικτύου Οργανωμένης Εγκληματικής Ομάδος περί ξεπλύματος μαύρου-βρωμικου χρήματος

    Kαταγγελία για το ΣΔΟΕ Ρόδου

    ANTI300 προς ΣΔΟΕ: Είσαστε Ψεύτες Και Υποκριτές Μαζί, Και Σας Προκαλώ !

    • 09 SEP 15

      Former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski and the leaders of the junior ruling party, the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, have rejected allegations contained in testimony recently made public by a US court that they took bribes to help Deutsche Telecom keep its monopoly on the Macedonian market.

      The testimony by Slobodan Bogoevski, former Macedonian Deputy Secretary for State Security, is dated December 28, 2014.

      It alleges that Buckovski, together with the head of the DUI, Ali Ahmeti, and the party’s vice president, Musa Xhaferi, each took €2.5 million in bribes, amounting to a total of €7.5 million.

      “Bogoevski has presented a series of incorrect information and… tendentious constructions,” Buckovski said.

      He said he could not comment further and had already been cross-examined on this issue in February 2014 in Washington on the request of the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

      “This is absolutely not true and is being actualized as part of a filthy campaign of lies and fictions in the service of the forthcoming early elections,” the DUI party said at the weekend.

      Bogoevski’s testimony was published by the US District Court from the Southern District of New York as part of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case launched by the US Securities and Exchange Commission against three former Magyar Telekom executives, Elek Straub, Andras Balogh and Tamas Morvai.

      Straub and the two other former executives are suspected of authorizing the bribe payments in exchange for regulations designed to delay the entry of competitors onto the mobile phone market in Macedonia.

      According to Bogoevski, “The key players were Elek Straub, [Greek businessman Dimitris] Kontominas and Vlado Buckovski”.

      Bogoevski said he was the link, arranging the first meetings between Kontominas, who allegedly acted upon Straub’s instructions, and the then Macedonian Prime Minister, Buckovski.

      According to the testimony, the “Greeks” offered the bribes in January 2005 after which the “Macedonian side” and Straub signed two secret agreements in May 2005. The first, a cooperation protocol, stipulated the concessions made by Macedonia in the telecom market, and another one, a “non-paper”, contained the time frame for the payment of the bribes without mentioning concrete names.

      These secret deals, according to US court documents, prevented competitors from entering the Macedonian market for another two years.

      According to Bogoevski, the documents, which have also been provided as evidence to the US court, do not contain names and instead refer to “Party A” for the Macedonian Prime Minister and to “Party B” for Magyar Telekom and the people round Kontominas.

      The payment of the bribes allegedly went through bogus consultancy contracts signed with companies owned by Kontominas.

      Kontominas allegedly took the cash and gave it to a specially appointed person from the Macedonian side who handed the money to the Prime Minister in person, for which the transporter allegedly got signed receipts.

      In order to freely pass the border, the delivery man was formally given a state office and diplomatic immunity in Macedonia, Bogoevski claims.

      The money intended for the DUI leaders, who had no special tasks but who Bogoevski says were simply in it for the money, was allegedly taken directly to Tetovo in western Macedonia, the seat of the party HQ.

      Macedonia sold 51 per cent of the former state-owned telecom firm to Deutsche Telekom in 2000. The business is now operated as a division of Magyar Telecom.

      Following two investigations by the US authorities into Deutsche Telekom’s dealings in Macedonia, in 2011 Deutsche Telekom and Magyar Telekom paid the US Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission a combined penalty of $95.1 million in out-of-court settlements.

      However, no current or former government officials in Macedonia have been investigated over the case.

      Only four individuals have been charged by prosecutors in Skopje over the telecom affair. All are foreign citizens. The charges against one of them were recently dropped. The remaining three have never been brought before a court. The charges were filed in 2008.

      Bogoevski is convicted in Macedonia for taking bribes in an unrelated case. He insists that the case against him was set up to silence him from speaking out on corrupt politicians.



        Case 1:11-cv-09645-RJS Document 206 Filed 08/26/15 Page 1 of 166

        U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE : COMMISSION, : : Plaintiff, : -v- : : ELEK STRAUB, : ANDRÁS BALOGH, and : TAMÁS MORVAI, : : Defendants.

        RD: Are you familiar with the name “Dimitris Kondominas”?
        SB: Yes, in Greek it is Dimitris Kontominas, it is spelled with “nt”, but it is pronounced with “nd”. That’s the pronunciation. I have known Dimitris Kontominas since 1993, because by decision of the Security of Council of the Republic of Macedonia, held by the President of the Republic of Macedonia, I was commissioned to conduct all secret negotiations with the Greek party, in an attempt to find a solution with the Greek party regarding the problem with the blockage of the Republic of Macedonia by the Greeks. I’m guessing you remember that Greece put an economic block on Macedonia in 1992, and the political problem that arose with the name of the Republic of Macedonia. Considering my function, I was obliged to work on that issue. In this sense, we prepared two packages for negotiations with the Greek party, which I proposed to the representatives of the Greek government. One of them was so called “small package”, it was referring to continuing with economic, cultural and other cooperation between the two nations. And the “big package” was the political problem, which was to be left for resolution some time later, to give it some time for resolution
        of some smaller issues and improve relations. This is when I met Dimitris Kontominas. He was one among the peoplewho was in the vicinity of the then Greek Prime Minister Dimitris Mitsotakis, who was a prime minister until December 1993. He was followed by Andreas Papandreou.
        RD: Was there a time in 2004 when Mr. Kontominas asked you for help?
        SB: We had contacts with him on regular basis even before that, because with the privatisation of Makedonski Telekom, which started in 2000, I organized his contacts with our President and our Prime Minister.
        RD: When you say ‘his contacts’, do you mean Mr. Kontominas?
        SB: I organized contacts of Mr. Kontominas with our Prime Minister Ljubco Gjeorgjievski, and the then President, the late Boris Trajkovski. In this manner he participated in the negotiations for purchasing certain percent of the shares, and he was the main intermediary in the sale of Makedonski Telekom to the company Stonebridge.
        RD: Kontominas?
        SB: Kontominas. He was the key intermediary. Thanks to this intermediation, the company Stonebridge gave him 5% of the shares.
        RD: And what was your involvement in that transaction?
        SB: I was still advisor of the Prime Minister at that time, I organized his meetings with our Prime Minister Ljubco Gjeorgjievski, and the then President, the late Boris Trajkovski. And after that, since I withdrew from my post, they continued with their negotiations. It was all finished with success, with the sale of 51% of the shares in Makedonski Telekom to Stonebridge. He was very grateful that I made this possible for him.
        RD: Are you talking about Kontominas?
        SB: Yes.
        RD: It is helpful instead of saying ‘he’ or ‘him’ to give proper names for the record to be clear.
        SB: It was for these reasons that Kontominas contacted me from time to time, on some issues regarding the negotiations, and since I am familiar with the law, I am legal connoisseur, I gave my opinion on the questions that Kontominas had. RD: Are you a licensed lawyer in Macedonia?
        SB: I passed the Bar Exam but I never practiced law, since my health condition did not allow me to practice law as an attorney at that time, it is very demanding profession.
        RD: In 2004, late 2004, tell me about your communication with Mr. Kontominas.SB: Somewhere in the middle of December 2004, Kontominas called me to ask me to organize a meeting of his team, consisting of Nikos Stavridis, Michalis Kefaloyannis, the two were the first people in Cosmoline, company of Kontominas in Athens, and at the same time Michalis Kefaloyannis was a member of the Steering Board in Makedonski Telekom, representing the capital of Kontominas in Stonebridge. Over the phone he did not say what was the purpose of the meeting he requested, he only stressed that it was very important and urgent, …
        RD: Is this Kontominas?
        SB: Yes, Kontominas said that it was very important and very urgent that I make possible to provide a meeting for this team with the Prime Minister Buckovski, and if possible, during the same visit to meet the head people of the political party DUI, the Albanian party in Tetovo. I told Kontominas that I will try and ask and I will confirm the very next day, because it was just before the New Year’s holiday, I was not sure if I would be able to find everyone. Luckily, both the prime minister and the head people of the political party DUI were all present and available the next day. I remember, this was immediately before the Catholic Christmas, between the 23 – 25 December, they arrived with the private plane of Kontominas, the team from Athens that I referred to, and the Prime Minister Buckovski met them the same day, this team from Athens that I mentioned. Immediately after meeting with the Prime Minister Buckovski, while still in the Government, they met also the Vice President Musa Xhaferi, who was also Vice President of the political party. After this meeting, I met them, and immediately they continued and travelled to a meeting in Tetovo. In Tetovo, they met Ali Ahmeti, and with Abdilhalim Kasami, Secretary General or Director of the political party. It was after they came back from the meeting in Tetovo that we met in the restaurant ‘Nostalgija’, located in the street Rade Koncar, in the center of Skopje, and they informed me in details of everything they discussed in the meetings during the day.
        RD: When you say ‘they informed’ you, who was ‘they’?
        SB: It refers to the team led by Michalis Kefaloyannis and Nikos Stavridis; these are the first people in Cosmoline.
        RD: And what did they tell you about the meetings?
        SB: From the first meeting there was nothing that indicated the later development of events. I was told during out talks during dinner, that with Buckovski, Musa Xhaferi, Ahmeti and Kasami, they discussed about their plan how to overcome all problems in regards with compensation of frequency fees, for which there was dispute during 2003, and 2004, for the problem of possible redundancy and laying off of three hundred employees from Makedonski Telekom, which was aproblem that the Government was very concerned with; and third question was the delay of payment of the dividend from operating of the Makedonski Telekom for the Government, and that, in order to find a solution, they offered the Prime Minister Buckovski, that immediately after the New Year’s holidays they would come with written proposal, on their points of view of overcoming these problems, and at the same time they would offer business plan of how to broaden activities of Makedonski Telekom in the market in Kosovo. At the beginning it all seemed normal and legal until the second meeting.
        RD: Tell me about the second meeting.
        SB: It was held in the middle of January, after our orthodox Christmas holidays, I cannot remember exactly when, somewhere around January 15. With the private plane of Kontominas, this same team arrived in Skopje again. But this time with them they carried Memorandum of Understanding which in essence, as a working body of text, as draft text, it is almost identical to the Protocol they signed later. And it was them for the first time, after the same round of negotiations, with the Prime Minister Buckovski, Musa Xhaferi, Ahmeti and Kasami, again in Tetovo, and again they stayed for the night in Skopje. It is then that I saw the working text of the Memorandum for the first time.
        RD: Who showed you the text of the document?
        SB: Michalis Kefaloyannis had the text with him; he was in essence the main negotiator in the talks with Buckovski, Xhaferi, Ahmeti and Kasami.
        RD: Do you have any understanding why Mr. Kefaloyannis showed you the document?
        SB: It was upon order of Kontominas; Kontominas asked him to show me the document so that I review it and see if I have any comments on this platform of negotiations.
        RD: And did you have any comments?
        RD: There was nothing serious that I remarked since if you have a look at the Protocol you cannot have any serious comments. However, in the oral negotiations, which they had with Buckovski, conducted by Stavridis and Kefaloyannis, orally they proposed that this Memorandum of Understanding will bring a lot of profit for all of them if the Macedonian Government agrees to postpone the adoption of the new Law on Telecommunications, or otherwise, the Go to postpone the adoption of the bylaws, this in order for the Makedonski Telekom to keep the monopoly position on the Macedonian
        market. And second, in return, that they are prepared and willing to make payment of the dividend, which was to be paid any way in accordance with the law, and the compensation for frequency fee, which is legal obligation and obligation from the agreement. And third and most important issue stressed by Kefaloyannis, that fro Deutsche Telekom, the most important issue of all these is to change the decision of the government, not to sell the entire package of shares owned by the Republic of Macedonia in Makedonski Telekom, and to adopt the decision for sale of 9.9% of the shares, because, they were supposed to pay approximately 200 million Euros for the entire package of shares. And this way, with the purchase of 9.9 % of share they would acquire more than 2/3 (two thirds) of ownership in the company, and this in accordance with our legislation will provide them with uninterrupted management of the company, including sale of assets of the company. In this way, they would minimize the interference of the GoM in the management of the Makedonski Telekom. On several occasions Stavridis and Kefaloyannis would stress that the rest of the issues were not that important, as much as it was important to them for the Government to agree to the sale of 9.9% of the shares and rebranding of the Company.

        READ MORE

        Click to access bogoevski-svedocenjenyc.pdf

    • Telekom corruption case

      Former spy chief testifies for his role in the Telekom corruption case

      Skopje, 23 September 2015 (MIA) – Macedonian Prosecutor’s Office interrogated Slobodan Bogoevski, former head of the state security service UBK, for his role in the high profile corruption Telekom case, in which Deutsche Telekom and Magyar Telekom are suspected of bribing former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski and leading officials of the ethnic Albanian coalition partner DUI Ali Ahmeti and Musa Xhaferi, in exchange for keeping the telecommunications market in Macedonia closed to additional competition.

      Deutsche Telekom and Magyar Telekom bought little over half of the shares of Macedonian Telecommunications in 2000, in a joint bid with Greek businessman Dimitrios Kontominas and SEEF, a George Soros owned fund as smaller partners. The company, which was the only fixed line operator in Macedonia and was branching into mobile and internet services, remained the dominant telecom operator in the country even as Greek OTE established the smaller Kosmofon mobile operator in 2002, and other even smaller companies tried to offer internet and TV services.

      The US Securities and Exchange Commission, which took Deutsche Telekom and Magyar Telekom to court in New York, where the companies settled in 2011 for 95 million USD, claiming they violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. According to the allegations, Hungarian and German managers offered bribes to Buckovski through a number of his associates, as well as to Ahmeti and Xhaferi, again through intermediaries which included two managers working for Contominas. In exchange for bribes which amounted to estimated 12 million EUR, Buckovski, as Prime Minister and leader of the Social Democrat Union of Macedonia (SDSM) and the DUI officials agreed not to issue a bid for a third mobile phone operator, allowing the company to continue charging exorbitant sums from its customers who were left with no choice in the market. SDSM and DUI also gave a long list of regulatory concessions to the Macedonian Telecommunications company, in exchange for the bribes they received.

      After successfully completing the case against Deutsche Telekom and Magyar Telekom, the SEC is now suing three Hungarians, managers of Magyar Telekom, using the same cache of evidence collected for the criminal suit, and calling dozens of Macedonian, Hungarian, German and Greek politicians and businessmen to testify. Bogoevski, who was appointed by SDSM as head of the UBK security service in the early 1990ies, and who is a eminence grise in the Macedonian secret police circles, was invited to testify as an additional witness, called up by the SEC afte an interview in which he claimed he played a part in organizing the entire bribery scheme. Bogoevski, questioned this Winter by the SEC and the legal counsel for the defendants, said that he was a key connection to Contominas and his two associates, Michail Kefaloyannis and Stavros Stavridis, and helped them organize a set of meetings with associates of Prime Minister Buckovski, his advisor and apparent bag-man Bekim Zemoski, with the Hungarian managers and especially with contacts in DUI and with Kosovan businessman Ekrem Lluka who, according to Bogoevski, was trying to join in on the deal. Money were drained from the Macedonian Telecommunications through bogus consulting contracts with a Cyprus based company controlled by Contominas called Chaptex, and were then, allegedly, returned to Macedonia and divided between SDSM and DUI.

      Bogoevski claims that he held several incriminating documents, including a Protocol of cooperation signed by Prime Minister Buckovski and Transportation Minister Xhemali Mehazi (appointed by DUI) on one side and by Elek Straub, CEO of Magyar Telekom on the other, which provided that the Macedonian Government will not allow a third mobile operator into the country, keeping the near-monopoly Macedonian Telecommunications had in this area. It was only after the SDSM and DUI Government was defeated in the 2006 elections, the new Government, led by VMRO-DPMNE and its initial Albanian coalition partner DPA, issued a bid for a third mobile operator, bringing Telekom Austria into the country. A number of deregulation pushes also led to the introduction of competitors in landline and the growing internet market, and in 2009 Kosmofon was sold to the Telekom Slovenia, providing a third aggressive competitor in the mobile market. Prices dropped and internet penetration, which was among the lowest in Europe, has reached nearly 70 percent of all households today. With an on-going merger between the Telekom Austria and Telekom Slovenia mobile operators, Macedonian Telecommunications stand to drop to second place, with their mobile operator, now re-branded as T-Mobile, relegated to just 45 percent of the market it once dominated.

      Macedonian Prosecutors have already initiated a case against several Hungarian, German and Greek managers of Macedonian Telecommunications over the Chaptex contracts and the alleged bribery of the former top Government officials, but as foreign citizens, they avoid appearing before the Macedonian court. The publication of the files presented before the court in New York opens the door to expand the case at home, and Bogoevski was called to testify behind closed doors for over four hours on Wednesday.

      Bogoevski himself is sentenced to two years in prison over a money laundering case involving a failed attempt of the Slovenian Merkator retailer to open up a shopping mall in the capital Skopje. In his testimony before the SEC, Bogoevski also tried to spread the blame to the current VMRO-DPMNE leadership, claiming that they didn’t push for prosecution of their predecessors in the Telekom corruption case, and that he was prosecuted for no reason in the money laundering case because he knew too much about the whole affair. Bogoevski claims that Saso Mijalkov, who until recently led the UBK secret service under the current VMRO-DPMNE administration, asked for bribes from a businessman close to Contominas in order to spare him from prosecution in the scandal.

      During the Parliament question time on Wednesday, SDSM member of Parliament Hari Lokvenec repeated the claims Bogoevski has raised against VMRO-DPMNE, alleging that before the 2006 elections the Macedonian Telecommunications also gave a deal worth about 100.000 EUR to a company that at the time employed several former and current VMRO-DPMNE officials. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski responded that at the time of the corruption scandal VMRO-DPMNE was deep in opposition, unable to influence the regulation of the telecom market.

      “At the time of the bribery, Radmila Sekerinska and Vlado Buckovski held the reins and they prevented the introduction of a third mobile operator until their very last day. In our program, VMRO-DPMNE promised that in the first 60 days of our Government we will open a bid for a third mobile operator. We delivered on our promise, and on our watch, prices dropped by 70 percent”, Gruevski responded.

      Buckovski is currently out of SDSM politics, having in the meantime been sentenced for another corruption case. But, current deputy leader of SDSM Radmila Sekerinska, was involved in the Telekom affair. Sekerinska was deputy Prime Minister at the time of the alleged bribery and as the person in charge of starting Macedonia’s EU integrations, she received requests from the European Commission to liberalize the market and open it to competition, requests which the Government ignored while taking bribes from the dominant market player. One of the documents filed in the court in New York informs that the charged Hungarian managers gave a copy of a draft telecommunications law containing clauses that would allow them to keep their monopoly personally to Sekerinska. In the same document, the Hungarian managers say that it will be easy for them to push their version of the law through the Government, implying they had control over the Government

      izvor: http://www.mia.mk/en/Inside/RenderSi…/323/132816560


  4. ΠΡΟΔΟΤΕΣ – ΚΟΤΖΙΑ Και Υπόλοιποι Συριζοκαμμένοι, «Γιαλατζή» Πασόκια Της Κυβέρνησης, Προς Τι η Προδοσία Της Χώρας Και Μαζί Το Άγριο Ξεπούλημα Της Όταν Υπάρχουν Οι Λύσεις; ΠΟΙΑΝΩΝ ΤΑ ΣΥΜΦΕΡΟΝΤΑ ΕΞΥΠΗΡΕΤΕΙΤΕ;

    Published by: ANTI300 on Oct 19, 2015

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